Sardinia's '100 Towers Path,' one of Italy's most spectacular coastal hikes, offers breathtaking views and a chance to enjoy the local cuisine.

Sardinia’s ‘100 Towers Path,’ one of Italy’s most spectacular coastal hikes, offers breathtaking views and a chance to enjoy the local cuisine.

The 100 Towers Path, a hiking trail on Sardinia‘s southern-tip that takes hikers past ancient architecture, stunning beaches and the island’s 1,000 kilometers of oceanfront terrain, might not be Italy’s most famous hike, but it is certainly one of its most spectacular. The full experience takes 45-60 days to complete on average; however, it can also be broken up into smaller trips.

The principal features, as the way’s name recommends, are the 100 stone post towers that line Sardinia’s shores. Worked over the 1500s and 1700s to guard against foe attacks – – privateers included – – most have fallen into creepy ruin, however some have been changed into beacons and confidential homes.

Once wandered by fighters, vendors, explorers, ministers and looters, the way compensates the present climbers with the exceptional fragrances and view of the Mediterranean coast, with its purplish rocks, wound ocean side tree limbs and sand grains as thick as rice.

An otherworldly excursion

The 100 Towers Path takes climbers past anglers towns, old houses of prayer, palaces, salt skillet, deserted caverns, lakes and desert-like sand rises, with perspectives on Sardinia’s clear waters never far away.

Yet, for Nicola Melis, a neighborhood engineer who quite a while back re-found the 100 Towers Path and has since surrounded the island alone multiple times, its charm goes behind gorgeous landscape.

“It’s something beyond a way, it’s an otherworldly journey inside your deepest self,” he tells CNN Travel. “in the event that you do it solo it’s a physical and mental test. You vanquish the most profound magnificence of Sardinia through strain, and it’s fulfilling.

“I love the hardest parts, similar to the precarious uphill climb to Baunei’s tall bluffs, along the Ogliastra trail, with the best of perspectives, since you exclusively depend on your own solidarity and perseverance. You always remember your most memorable climb here, it resembles your most memorable vehicle or sweetheart.”

Melis isn’t simply a nearby fan of the path. He’s likewise the pioneer behind the 100 Towers Path Association, a source for explorers hoping to encounter the paths all alone.

Melis expresses out loud whatever pushed him to recuperate and advance the course was the revelation of a fighter’s leaflet tracing all the way back to the 1500s that planned the whole organization of guarded towers. The fighter ventured to every part of the course riding a horse, and afterward, profoundly different by the long excursion, chose to turn into a priest.

Step by step instructions to handle it

In the event that loosened up in an orderly fashion, the 100 Towers Path is sufficiently long to associate Italy’s Alps to its most profound southern grounds. The farthest it goes astray from the coast is only two kilometers inland.

Climbers are encouraged to begin counter-clockwise from Cagliari, which permits them to avoid the extraordinary Mistral northwest wind that would blow against them toward the beginning of the climb, making it harder.

Voyagers can likewise go along with one of the affiliation’s normal coordinated gatherings, typically comprised of 20-60 climbers, or go out on their own excursion for however many days as they need. It’s open all year.

Climbers selecting to do it single-handedly are encouraged to assess their abilities and wellness levels prior to setting out and remember they could wind up climbing under a searing summer sun.

“You should be fit, plan to strain your muscles and try not to convey a rucksack that is over 10% of your body weight,” says Melis.

“You’ll track down drinking fountains and bars en route, however some of the time they’re far off so concentrate on the excursion well.”

Goliaths, holy messengers and evil spirits

Melis says there are four paths that have become especially well known among climbers.

The briefest and simplest one, ideal for fledglings, is the 62-kilometer Angels’ Path running from Cagliari up north towards the occasion coastline resort of Villasimius.

The climb gets going from one of the city’s most established houses of prayer, passing the initial five pinnacles in a ring-like course. Called ‘the Devil’s Saddle’ it proceeds with child powder and rock stone sea shores, quiet channels, caves and coral reef seabeds.

The Sarcapos trail is straightaway, running from Villasimius to Tertenia for 143 kilometers, basically offering unadulterated ocean side happiness along the immaculate shores of Costa Rei. It requires around 5-7 days to complete this climb, which includes a lake possessed by pink flamingos, rough slopes, a waterway and the remnants of a Phoenician lost city, a sanctuary and necropolis.

The fragrances of strawberry and mastic trees, myrtle and oak trees mix with the pungent ocean breeze.

The most difficult path is the Ogliastra, on the eastern coast, appropriate for experienced climbers. It runs for 144 kilometers and requires very nearly an entire week to finish, driving up Baunei’s precarious mountains to hypnotizing ocean ridges, for example, Cala Gonone, crossing pine and juniper backwoods, regular stone curves, old sheepfolds, old coal traders and jackass courses utilized by shepherds.

This one conveys voyagers into Sardinia’s immaculate wild, offering amazing scenes.

Antiquarianism darlings will partake in the agnostic “Goliaths Trail” in the eastern Sinis Peninsula, another must-do segment of the 100 Towers Path. Its name comes from the crude nuraghe residences tracked down nearby, named “Monsters,” which look like small scale Stonehenges.

Climbers will meander through the lost Phoenician city of Tharros, its remnants spotting the scene, and go over sacrosanct agnostic wells, an old Roman street and reservoir conduit.

In the mean time, the Mines Trail, on the southwest coast, slices through the tall white sand hills of Piscinas, a gigantic desert-looking powder-white ocean side with perhaps of the most clear ocean in the Mediterranean.

Deserted mines and unusual molded ocean stacks, for example, the “sugar portion” are the principal stops.

“The 100 Towers Path associates 26 unique seaside territories, each with their unconventional vegetation and untamed life. You run over ocean side deserts, rough stone slopes and 40 safeguarded desert gardens with wild pigs, ocean turtles, cormorants, sea pine timberlands,” says Melis.

Seafront communities and glamping

Melis’ 100 Towers Path Association joins explorers, posts online schedules hailing bunch outings and gives many ideas for facilities, ocean side bars (‘chioschi’) and eateries with exceptional costs for climb members.

Admittance to the way is free, yet there are private aides for custom-made short visits. The expense is around 150 euros ($150) each day for two individuals.

Explorers can browsed among 200 subsidiary organizations for their day to day refueling breaks.

These incorporate campsites with super current offices, comfortable coastline B&Bs and even ocean front religious community resorts run by nuns, similar to Villa Tecla in Quartu Sant’Elena. Costs start at 50 euro for each room.

B&B picks incorporate Casa di Chia Buggerru, which has porches and ocean side Wi-Fi, and Le Vele Teulada, with its confidential nurseries.

Four-star setting up camp scene Ultima Spiaggia, in Bari Sardo, has a spa, café, versatile wooden homes and four pools – – ideal for glamping fans – – while Camping Isuledda on the Emerald coast is right near the ocean.

Sardinia’s northern shores will generally be more touristy and swarmed during summer, while the remainder of the island, especially the southwest coast, is more true and unconventional, permitting explorers to encounter the excitement of the 100 Towers Path completely.

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